Salami slicing is classified as self-plagiarism. Mehić (2013) defined salami slicing as partitioning one study into multiple publications.
Salami slicing ilustration |
Here is an example of salami slicing: John conducts research on the effects of drugs. Her research covers several aspects of the effects of drugs. To gain academic credit, John publishes separate articles for each aspect of the drug's effects, with the goal of obtaining more credit from a single study. This could be classified as breaking one study into multiple papers. People called it as Salami slicing.
The consequences of salami slicing add little to scientific understanding (Spielmans, 2009). Salami slicing weakens the findings of the research, making the knowledge less solid.
Mehić, B. (2013). Plagiarism and self-plagiarism.. Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences, 13 3, 139 .
Spielmans, G., Biehn, T., & Sawrey, D. (2009). A Case Study of Salami Slicing: Pooled Analyses of Duloxetine for Depression. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 79, 97 - 106.
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